Yesterday afternoon Governor Whitmer issued an executive order with recommendations intended to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, now known as COVID-19.
Munising Public Schools will be postponing all large gatherings and events of over 100 people for the foreseeable future. Also, many events that our students had planned on attending have been cancelled by other organizations. The following is a list of events that we have cancelled, or events that our student groups were planning on attending that have been cancelled:
Math & Science Night, March 13th
Youth Wrestling Tournament, March 14th
FIRST Robotics - entire season cancelled
District basketball at Negaunee - March 13th - suspended
Key Club District Convention - March 13th-15th
High School Forensics at Westwood - March 14th
Hometown Art Show - March 18th
Middle/High School Band Concert - March 19th
Mini Mustang Basketball Tournament - March 20th-22nd
We are also working closely with the Luce-Mackinac-Alger-Schoolcraft District Health Department and will be providing information shortly to parents regarding recommended protocols, travel recommendations, etc.