Business Office
Business Manager: Jenna Cole
Payroll/Accounts Payable Administrator: Maureen Brogan
810 W. State Highway M-28
Munising, Michigan 49862
Phone: (906) 387-2251
Fax: (906) 387-5686
Mather Elementary School (PK-5)
Principal: Shannon DeFrancesco
Phone: (906) 387-2102, ext. 1137
Fax: (906) 387-4774
Principal's Secretary: Sherry Miller
Phone: (906) 387-2102 x1132
Native American Education:
(906) 387-2102 x1067
Munising Middle/High School (6-12)
Principal: Nicole Lasak
Phone: (906) 387-2103, ext. 2104
Fax: (906) 387-5686
Principal's Secretary: Amy Heribacka
Phone: (906) 387-2103 x2102
Athletic Director: Nicole Lasak
Phone: (906) 387-2102, ext. 2104
Athletic Secretary/Online Learning Coordinator: Katie Anderson
Phone: (906) 387-2103 x2105
Public Library
Library Director: Lisa Cromell
Phone: (906) 387-2125
Fax: (906) 387-5179
Guidance Office
Guidance Counselor: Matt Mattson
Phone: (906) 387-2104, ext. 2113
Information Technology Office
IT Director: Dana Steinhoff
Phone: (906) 387-2103 x2140
Superintendent's Office
Superintendent/Auxiliary Services Director: Michael J. Travis
Auxiliary Services (Transportation, Custodial, Maintenance, & Food Service)
Phone: (906) 387-2251 x2109
Superintendent's Secretary: Maureen Brogan
Phone: (906) 387-2251 x2115
Head of Maintenance: Mike Albright
Phone: (906) 387-2103 x2145
School Bus Garage
Phone: (906) 387-4145
Lead Driver: Rick Stephens
Mechanic: Terry Bower
Central Kitchen
Head Cook: LaPrel Morrison
Phone: (906) 387-2103 x2193
Weather Related Emergencies
If a winter storm or other weather-related emergency is forecast or has hit the area, the Superintendent will determine if school will open for the day. Tune in to radio station WGLQ-FM 97.1 in Escanaba or WLUC-TV6 television station for early morning reports. If a storm or other weather-related emergency develops during the day, the Superintendent will determine the action to be taken and advise personnel. The news media will be informed of the procedures being implemented.
Pupil Dismissal Procedures
Parents should receive information regarding pupil dismissal procedures from the school which their child attends school. These procedures should include provisions for children whose parents are away from home during the day. For additional information about the release of students, parents should tune in to local radio station WGLQ-FM 97.1