Meet Up and Eat Up

Extended SFSP Intent: The intent of SFSP and now the Extended SFSP is to provide free nutritious meals to children and teens in low income areas. While Munising Public Schools does offer free and reduced lunch to students, MPS does not offer this service to the local community. Emergency food assistance is provided to families in need, no verification required, self declaration is accepted.

Visit the interactive map to find the location nearest you. You can also text "FOOD" or "COMIDA" to 304-304 to find free meals in your neighborhood.

Food assistance can be obtained through the following non-profit organization:

Alger Community Food Pantry

414 East Munising Ave, Munising MI, 49862 Phone: 906.387.4440

Hours of operation are: 12:00 pm. to 3:30 pm.

eFunds for MPS District: Click here